With a production cost of as little as $0.35 per pint and selling price of $6 to $8. Our craft beer brewing systems are a capital improvements that bring a fast ROI. Craft beers easily attract the most coveted demographic for growth, the Millennial.
HausCraft connects with a younger demographic

New Customers
Ultimately a craft brewery brings in fresh new additional customers in the door.
The problems big brewers have with Millennials… watch this!

- To realize an ROI on expansion projects it can be costly to overlook the markets direction.
- It is a challenge for hospitality to keep up with competitors on a dollar for dollar basis without having a unique amenity with marketing power.
- Having a unique amenity that connects with the younger demographic in a social media world is a wise investment for strategic growth.
- One market where millennials are known to be big spenders is Craft Beer.
Make every style and flavor of craft beer with HausCraftBeer

The HausCraftBeer™ System can produce these styles of beer and many many more