The Golden Drop™ Team


The HausCraft™ team is comprised of Phd. Micro Biologists and Masterbrewers who are accomplished text book authors
with more than 100 years of accumulated experience in the brewing industry. This team is also comprised of individuals
with both operational and marketing expertise. The HausCraft™ brewing system has been designed with the highest
degree of professional brewing intelligence and operational experience. The teams’ dedication to excellence and ongoing
development of world class equipment and ingredients can best be described as next level innovation in the beer brewing
sciences for the 21st century. Below are just some of the value points we’re proud to deliver with a HausCraft™ system.


• A system that can be installed in a small footprint at minimal cost
• Premium tasting craft beers produced for .35 to .45 cents per 16 oz pint.
• Low capital cost, low operational cost and fast ROI.
• Supplier independence and long term price protection from inflation costs.
• A strong marketing asset with monthly marketing opportunities.

Michael Lewis


Michael Lewis, Ph.D., professor emeritus of brewing science, has led the
brewing programs at UC Davis for more than 30 years. Throughout his
prestigious career, Dr. Lewis has authored over 100 scholarly papers and
co-authored the flagship textbook “ Brewing.” In addition, he has been
honored with the Award of Merit of the Master Brewers Association of
the Americas, is a senior member of the International Brewers Guild and
was elected as a fellow of the Institute of Brewing in London.
Most recently, the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC created a
permanent display in its museum of American Culture recognizing Dr.
Lewis as the “Father of the Craft Beer” industry in America.

Chris White

Board of Advisors

Chris White, Ph.D., founded White Labs in 1995, after researching and
developing a library of brewers’ yeast strains from around the world.
Today, White Labs is well known as a highly respected quality producer
and supplier of brewing yeasts to the Micro-Brewing industry.
Mr. White received an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from the
University of California, Davis, and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from U.C. San
Diego. Chris is also a member of the Siebel Institute brewers’ faculty.